Web Programmer

Game Engineer - TheMobileGamer

Location Type: 
Closing Date: 
Sun, 10/06/2012
- Web development tools (PHP, HTML, Javascript, MYSQL, MVC, and OOP) - Basic knowledge in database (CodeIgniter, MongoDB, Membase, Memcache, Facebook or any social media API, and CakePHP), as this knowledge will also be passed down to you by our elite engineers - It will be a plus if you have some development experiences in Java, Android and HTML5

The Web Game Engineer will be task to develop and maintain web applications, mainly the games and platforms. There will also be tasks to develop analytical statistic application to monitor application performances.

If you’re interested in this good opportunity with TMG Indonesia, please send your application letter and short CV all in English (2 page limit for CV with your photo included) to muara.sipahutar@tmgamer.co with subject “TMG Game Engineer Recruitment Indo”.
Note: You don’t have to submit graduation certificates or other credentials as it’s not yet important in this stage

Yunior Java Web Programmer

Location Type: 
Closing Date: 
Thu, 17/05/2012

1. Minimal semester 5, Jurusan Computer Science/Mobile Application & Technology/Information System

2. IPK >= 3

3. Menguasai Web Programming

4. Diutamakan yang menguasai Java/JSP/Servlet

5. Bersedia di kontrak full/part time selama 2 (Dua) tahun

Selama masa orientasi peserta akan dibekali dengan :

1. Basic Java Programming

2. Java Web Programming

3. Spring Framework

4. Hibernate/JPA 2

5. Dll.

Yunior Java Web Programmer

Location Type: 
Closing Date: 
Thu, 17/05/2012


1. Minimal semester 6 dgn IPK min >= 3.0
2. Menguasai web programming
3. Diutamakan yang menguasai Java/JSP/Servlet
4. Menyukai programming
5. Bersedia di kontrak full/part time selama 2 (Dua) tahun

Selama masa orientasi, peserta akan dibekali dengan :

1. Basic Java Programming
2. Java Web Programming
3. Spring Framework
4. Hibernate/JPA 2
5. Dll.

Dibutuhkan (2 available) PHP Programmer

Location Type: 
Closing Date: 
Sun, 01/07/2012
1.Pria/Wanita (20-28th), 2.Menguasai PHP Programming, 3.Min. experience 1 tahun, 4.Menguasai database MySQL, 5.Menguasai OS Linux, 6.Pernah membuat web reporting (Ajax Grid), Lebih diutamakan, 7.Porto polio project.

Lokasi kantor : Kb.Jeruk - Meruya Ilir (jakarta Barat)
Salary : Negotiable

Minat, CV dan Port Polio, kirim ke: gunawan.siong83@gmail.com

VictoriaXpert | PHP Programmer Job Vacant

Location Type: 
Position Purpose : Writes code, relational databases, and performs related quality control and testing for assigned projects.

Key Functions

  • Develop code for assigned projects that adheres to project requirements primarily using PHP, HTML, HTML5, XML, AJAX , and JavaScript.
  • Design, create and manage relational databases utilizing MySQL.
  • Work with peers and development lead to help determine best programming practices used for a project.
  • Perform quality control and testing of web programming to ensure functionality.
  • Adhere to version control policies and maintain defect tracking database for each project.

Tuitwit Developer

Location Type: 
Closing Date: 
Mon, 30/04/2012
Kami, PT Saling Silang, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Media Sosial dan Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi, mengajak anda bergabung untuk posisi sebagai berikut : 1. Developer Tuitwit Persyaratan : - Usia maksimal 25 tahun - Pendidikan minimal lulusan D3 - Menguasai PHP, dan diutamakan yang mengerti Codeigniter - Terbiasa dengan SVN repository - Menguasai HTML/ Javascript Untuk aplikasi mobile : - Mengerti java - Terbiasa mengembangkan mobile apps di iOs / blackberry / android - Suka mempelajari teknologi baru Catt : Jangan lupa mencantumkan skill dalam CV! 2. Developer SS index Persyaratan : - Usia maksimal 25 tahun - Pendidikan minimal lulusan D3 - Menguasai bahasa pemrograman PHP, lebih disukai jika berpengalaman dengan codeIgniter - Lebih disukai jika menguasai HTML/ Javascript - Mengerti web server dan database - Terbiasa menggunakan API interface - Jika memiliki background di Data Mining, merupakan nilai tambah - Pernah menggunakan MongoDB, atau MySQL dgn data besar, atau berpengalaman dgn optimasi - Suka mempelajari teknologi baru Catt : Jangan lupa mencantumkan skill dalam CV ! Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan CV berikut foto terbaru dalam bentuk soft copy ke mirantikomariah@gmail.com . Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan diproses lebih lanjut.


Location Type: 
Closing Date: 
Sun, 10/06/2012
• Male/Female max. 27 years old • Bachelor degree majoring IT from reputable university • Fresh graduate are welcome • Knowledge in object oriented programming • Excellent skill in Java/PLSql/Centura or any programming languages • Extensive use RDBMS like Oracle/sql Server/MySql in programming • Familiar with UML • Familiar with 3-tier programming methodology • Strong analytical skill • Fluent in English both spoken and written • Excellent in documentation and communication skills • Able to work individual or in a team


Location Type: 
Closing Date: 
Fri, 06/04/2012
D3/S1 Teknik Informatika/System Informatika/Teknik Komputer.

1. Terbiasa dengan windows dan Linux Server
2. Menguasai XHTML, XML, CSS , PHP, JavaScript (Syukur bisa C++)
3. Mampu mengelola sistem (Linux, MySql, Apache)
4. Memiliki pengetahuan AJaX dan JaSON
5. Memiliki pengetahuan teknik pemprograman web terkini (reporting, mobile. dll)
6. Lancar berbahasa inggris
7. Mau belajar hal-hal baru

Web Programmer @ PT. Metrox Lifestyle

Location Type: 
Closing Date: 
Mon, 30/04/2012


  • Ability to create and maintain interactive applications that involve PHP and MySQL
  • Develop and maintain code to support our websites and back-end system in the following languages: PHP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Javascript, XML
  • Develop and maintain MySQL databases, ability to perform queries and produce basic reports
  • Work closely with web designer
  • Monitor new web technologies and its application to the company website
  • Preparing monthly report based on web statistic report



Rp. 3.000.000 - Rp. 5.000.000